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Why Is Silk Unethical?

TRADITIONAL SILK MANUFACTURE: The Worms: Silk fibre is the fibres of silkworm cocoons.  Only the healthiest silk moths are used for breeding. Their eggs are categorised, graded, and meticulously tested for infection.  Unhealthy eggs are burned. The healthiest eggs may be placed in cold storage until they are ready to be hatched. Once the eggs are incubated, they usually hatch within seven days. They emerge at a mere one-eighth of an inch (3.2 mm) long and must be maintained in a carefully controlled environment.       Under normal conditions, the eggs would hatch once a year in the spring when mulberry trees begin to leaf (silkworms feed only on mulberry tree leaves, hence the seemingly out-of-place mention of mulberry...

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The True Cost Of Cotton

Ok, so those of us who are a little more "in the know" about eco materials, probably know these facts already; but do you know what happens in the countries that mass produce cotton?  Take the example, Uzbekistan, a small country situated near Afghanistan and Iran.  With the GDP$3100 per capita, run by a group of dictating elites, the poor stay poor and the rich get richer.  It was around 2007, when their unethical and unsustainable production was exposed: Uzbekistan's main exports include cotton, gold, uranium and natural gas; and cotton takes up 1.3 million hectares of their land producing 1 million tonnes to be sent to manufacturers overseas, who make the clothes for our high street brands.  During harvest...

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