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SA8000 Certified Garment Manufacturers

DOWNLOAD THE LIST BELOWWhat is SA-8000?SA-8000 is a global social accountability standard to assure decent working conditions. Its objective: to ensure ethical sourcing and production of goods and services, through providing assurance of rights of the workers involved in the production processes.SA-8000 was developed and overseen by Social Accountability International (SAI).What Does The SA-8000 Certify?Some of the SA-8000 Certicate criterias that must be met include:- No child labour- No forced labour- Total health and safety assurance- No discrimination- Working hours are a maximum of 48 hours per week- Employee freedom to join any trade unions and to organise andcollective bargaining- Prohibition of corporal punishment and mental and physical coersion- Overtime is voluntary with the maximum of 12 hours and paid...

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